In West Virginia, claimants file applications to acquire social security disability benefits. These benefits provide them with financial support and insurance coverage. They are offered to individuals that cannot become gainfully employed or support themselves financially. The following is a review of these claims that a Social Security Lawyer in Martinsburg WV can provide.
What is an Eligible Condition?
An eligible condition is either mental or physical and stops the individual from becoming employed. These conditions could leave the individual in a state in which they are debilitated and unable to function. This could prevent them from the individual from performing job duties properly.
Why Does the Social Security Administration Set up Appointments?
The Social Security Administration sets up appointments with doctors to evaluate the patient’s condition. They typically set up appointments with a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. These doctors conduct testing to determine if the patient possesses the condition in which they claim. The doctors will also evaluate any medical records that the claimant has from doctors who have provided treatment. They also determine the last date in which the claimant received care for these conditions.
Why are Their Income Restrictions for SSI?
Supplemental Security Income is based on income levels. If the claimant is a minor, the income of their parents will affect whether or not they qualify for benefits. If they are an adult, the income of individuals who live with them. The purpose of these benefits is to supplement the income of the individual to ensure that they acquire proper care for their condition and the ability to support themselves financially.
What are the Claimant’s Options if They are Denied?
The claimant has the option to file an appeal. This allows for a reassessment of the applicant’s claim. If the claim is denied again, the claimant can file a lawsuit to acquire benefits.
In West Virginia, claimants file applications to acquire benefits for eligible conditions. These benefits help them to support themselves due to an inability to work. Claimants who need a Social Security Lawyer in Martinsburg WV contact Sherman Law Firm for further assistance and information about claims.