Never Face Your Employer without a Construction Site Accident Attorney in Queens, NY

by | Oct 3, 2017 | Lawyers

A construction site accident attorney is the person to call the moment that you begin to suspect your employer is not willing to give you the compensation and support that is your right after an injury on the job. If you are injured during a construction project in spite of your careful attention to safety regulations or even due to direct negligence from your employer, you have the right to have your medical expenses and any lost wages returned to you on your employer’s dime. A construction site accident attorney will ensure that this is always the case, especially when you consider the fact that your employer will not come to the settlement mediation meeting without a powerful lawyer of its own.


A construction site accident is no simple matter because there are often many factors and even many parties that are involved or may be held liable for the incident resulting in your injury. For example, it may be that you receive an injury due to a sudden failure of the equipment rented by your employer for that aspect of the project. A construction site accident attorney in Queens, NY will help you to determine who is liable for your injury at the end of the day and you need only visit to get started with the process.


An active construction site accident lawyer will have connections in this part of the legal circle and will know who to call and when to obtain critical documents and more. A sudden injury on a construction site is not likely to be minor and may result in life-altering consequences, leaving you with a true need for compensation. You deserve the same chance at receiving this as anyone else and an attorney will make that possible for you.

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