When a driver’s traveling on the highway minding their own business and someone suddenly slams into the car and injures them, what should they do? This is a question many people ask themselves when this type of event occurs. The fact is, they should never admit fault to anything at the scene of the accident and should limit what is said to others around them and to the police. The police will take notes of anything a victim says and it could be used against them at a future date. If a driver or passenger is able to give the necessary information, they should provide it to the police and immediately seek medical treatment. Failure to receive medical treatment quickly after an accident could jeopardize a victim’s ability to receive a settlement in the future. The next phone call after they’ve been released from the hospital should be to a Car Accident Injury Lawyer in Burley ID for a free consultation.
A consultation with a car accident lawyer gives a victim an opportunity to discuss the accident and their injuries. An insurance company will begin contacting a victim as soon as the next day asking many questions about their injuries and usually want to record the conversation about the events that led up to the accident. This telephone call is nothing more than an information gathering telephone call to see if a victim is seriously injured. The insurance company may take notes on a victim’s financial situation if they’re making statements about missing work and pay. A Car Accident Injury Lawyer in Burley ID will field the calls from the insurance company and begin an investigation. They will help a victim obtain the necessary medical treatment they need.
If you or a loved one have suffered broken bones, brain damage, the loss of a limb or internal injuries, these are considered permanent injuries and an attorney can provide a rough estimate of how much your case may be worth. You are entitled to loss of wages, payment of medical bills, pain and suffering, and in some cases, the loss of future wages. Don’t wait until it’s too late to Schedule an appointment with an attorney if you’ve been injured.