Accident Lawyers in Live Oak, FL Can Help Clients Stay Quiet on Social Media

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Lawyers

Many people are active on social media, and it can be tempting to go to Facebook or Twitter to tell everyone about an auto accident. However, discussing a claim online can jeopardize a potential settlement. Before broadcasting details of the accident, a victim should consider how those posts may be viewed by an insurance adjuster. When accident lawyers in Live Oak, FL seek settlements for their clients, it’s not wise to make the other party’s insurer doubt the legitimacy of the claim. Here, readers can learn how the other driver’s insurer may use social media to discredit an accident victim.

Examples of Insurers’ Use of Social Media

Those with active social media lives may instinctively update their statuses after an accident, to let everyone know they’re OK. While this can reassure friends and family, it can make the insurer question the severity of the victim’s injuries. Even past events can damage a claim. When an insurer watches a victim’s social media accounts, they don’t focus on details such as the time and date of a post. For instance, if the accident victim posts pictures from last summer’s rock-climbing trip, the adjuster may see only the image of a healthy person and may therefore assume the victim is exaggerating their injuries.

Practice Social Media Safety During an Auto Accident Claim

The easiest and most effective way to prevent another driver’s insurer from using a client’s social media presence against them is to avoid posting anything about the accident. If it’s impossible to heed this advice, keep posts factual and brief. It’s easy to allow emotion to take over, but clients of accident lawyers in Live Oak, FL should avoid ranting about the event or the other driver’s insurance company. Set the account’s privacy setting to allow only friends and family to see posts, and be skeptical of friend requests from complete strangers. An insurance adjuster may pose as someone else to access the victim’s account. Do not accept requests from an adjuster, even if they seem to want to establish a working relationship. The adjuster should not make such a request because the relationship should be kept strictly professional.

The main takeaway is that social media isn’t the best place to discuss an accident claim, and divulging too much information can be disastrous. Instead, visit to schedule a meeting with an injury attorney.